Q Assignment for week 4: Green space research: Connect to the New York City Heat Vulnerability Index and search the following for your neighborhood: https://a816-dohbesp.nyc.gov/IndicatorPublic/HeatHub/hvi.html 1. Type neighborhood name into box at top and select “get data.” What is the heat vulnerability index? 2. Scroll down to “What factors affect heat vulnerability in your neighborhood?” 3. What is the daytime summer surface temperature? How does it compare to the city average? 4. What is the percentage of green space? Is it lower or higher than the city average? 5. What percentage of households have air conditioning? Is this higher or lower than the average percentage for the city overall? 6. Poverty rate, and comparison with the citywide average. 7. Based on the information you obtained for your neighborhood, describe what you view as the need for green space. If you were to identify one building in that neighborhood that would benefit from a green roof, what would that be?
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